Unlimited Calls and Texts in UK and the EU

Exclusively available on O2.
Share data plans which are equipped with unlimited calls and texts in the UK and the EU

Business mobile phone plans

Take control of costs and keep on top of your businesses mobile phone plans. Pick and choose your terms, phones and accessories to ensure your organisation remains connected. 

We work with the UK's top networks and offer flexible packages (30 day rolling / 12 or 24 month terms)

Pick from the latest mobiles available.

You can choose from a range of devices including the latest Apple or Android phones.

We can also provide:

up to 200 users

24/7 emergency support.

We understand that having a functioning business line at all times can be critical to some organisations. That’s why we offer 24/7 emergency support – no matter what the problem we can help.

All our packages can include:

Free Bill Audit & Analysis 

Mobile Device Management 

Software to monitor, track and secure your users

24/7 Emergency support

Online Billing portal